This presentation showcases the immense potential of modern pedagogy and the modern role of teachers and students since the arrival of the Internet. What we have been missing in most of what has been discussed is how to achieve an optimal learning process.
Researchers have for a long time talked about topics such as moving from Education 1.0 to 2.0 and even 3.0, much like a metaphor of how education should be moving along the evolution of the internet, from Web 1.0 to 2.0 and 3.0. We aren’t there yet to talk about Web 3.0 for education, as the adult generation of the 21st century hasn't yet mastered how to manage the present influx of technology and how to be good role models for the younger generation with Web 2.0 and smartphones, particularly as we understand that children emulate behaviour. It is, however, fundamental that we talk about how elements of modern pedagogic models could be applied with simple shifts in mindset and everyday actions in and around the classroom.
What makes this really critical is that these topics have been researched and written about for more than 15 years - before the YouTube boom and the arrival of mobile applications and social media - but instead of seeing modern pedagogical wisdoms being applied systematically, we’ve seen a steady increase in isolation, depression and suicide rates among teenagers in the developed world, and mostly an increase in unproductive schooling with little modern learning in the developing world.
This is unacceptable, and it's our responsibility as parents and educators to actively find ways of fulfilling our responsibility of preparing the young generation for their lives, not only for their sadly uncertain futures, but for their present. The way to do this is by applying pedagogical wisdom when introducing technology in K12 education.
”The Power of Pedagogy in a Digital World” will provide insights and ideas from the Speaker and showcase examples that inspire from his journey as an edtech entrepreneur since the last decade and beyond.